Pacts with municipalities


Find out how your municipality is committed to climate and nature in the context of the pacts for municipalities.

Our municipality is committed to our climate

The Climate Pact is a quality management and certification programme launched by the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development to facilitate national municipalities’ commitment to the energy transition and climate protection.

Global warming is the cause of numerous disturbances that threaten the ecological balance of our planet. It affects the living conditions of entire populations and those of future generations.

Through their commitment to the Climate Pact, the municipalities join the goals identified in the governmental plan and actively enact a sustainable energy and climate policy.

The certification of the municipality depends on the number of resolutions it has been able to implement so far from the entire catalogue of measures within the framework of the Climate Pact programme.

Our municipality is committed to nature

Like the Climate Pact, the Nature Pact is an instrument to promote municipal initiatives to preserve and restore biodiversity.

In the field of nature and resource protection, municipalities are important partners of the government. Through their political decisions, they can provide environmental services thus make a significant contribution to the existing ecosystem and promoting biodiversity.

The certification of the municipality depends on the number of resolutions it has been able to implement so far from the entire catalogue of measures within the framework of the Nature Pact programme.

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Sarah Daemen

Conseillière en transition énergétique durable

Votre contact
au sein de la commune Sandweiler

Moersch Adrien

Service écologique

35 97 11-224